this post was submitted on 27 Aug 2023
102 points (100.0% liked)
Anime and Pics
1926 readers
20 users here now
A community dedicated to the discussion of anything surrounding:
- Anime
- Manga/Manhwa
- Light/Graphic Novels
- Visual novels
- And hentai.
While we may be called Anime and Pics, it doesn't have to be a Picture! Asking about your favorite anime, new episodes, new chapters, or latest games are encouraged!
We are a NSFW allowed community.
NSFW Rules:
- Anything safe for the public is considered SFW. (Swimsuits, croptops, cosplay etc.)
- Everything else; lingerie, panties, bras are NSFW and should be tagged as such.
- If you are unsure if it is SFW or not, err on the side of caution and mark it as NSFW.
- No politics/conspiracies
- Don’t repost anything from our top 100 of all time.
- There is zero tolerance for trolls, assholes, unsolicited bots, deliberately off-topic content, or novelty accounts. If you are any of these, and act as such, or encourage any of the above or any other violations, you will be banned.
- Doujinshi is allowed and encouraged! Show us your best (or worst) artwork!
- Moderators have the last say on all matters but will attempt to be fair
- This community follows the general Code of Conduct
- We have a bot called
which posts pictures daily. Their content may be ecchi.
founded 1 year ago
Hey there,
I'm sorry you have felt that way, and have had to take action.
I understand how frustrating seeing 20+ reports can be when you wake up in the morning.
I hope that you would also read the comment here: where I expressly outlined what we are doing about the matter.
But at the end of the day, this is what the fediverse is about and in general circumstances there will be a middle ground regarding content and the aforementioned Rules. Unfortunately, with some content there might be no middle ground and as such this is where a differing of opinion happens.
As such I thank-you personally for going out of your way to let me know that this content is not allowed on your instance without a NSFW tag and for ensuring that your instance's rules are upheld even at the behest of other administrators and moderators on other instances.
I fail to see how our community, hosted on Reddthat, has to abide by your instance's rules. That is not how rules, or laws on the Planet Earth for that matter work.
This is not without cause though, as you would already know by reading the comment linked above that we also believe that this was a slight issue.
I wish you well,