European here! For me it's...
0 = Water freezes
100 = Water boils
Fahrenheit as far as I can tell:
~100 = Hot enough that it shows up on the news
~400-450 = Cooking, because our stove is in Fahrenheit for some unknown reason.
All other temperatures in F = no idea.
0 = Well below freezing, about as cold as it gets anywhere that isn't frozen year-round. Dress like you're climbing Everest.
25 = Just below freezing, very cold but not record breaking anywhere people own snow shovels. Bulky jacket and gloves.
50 = Cold to cool, depending on your baseline. Put on a thick sweater or a jacket.
75 = Perfect, slightly above room temperature. T-shirt and shorts.
100 = About as hot as it gets anywhere that isn't a desert. Tank top and sunscreen, and stay in the shade.
Me setting my thermostat to 50 in winter:
European here! For me it's...
0 = Water freezes
100 = Water boils
Fahrenheit as far as I can tell:
~100 = Hot enough that it shows up on the news
~400-450 = Cooking, because our stove is in Fahrenheit for some unknown reason.
All other temperatures in F = no idea.
0 = Well below freezing, about as cold as it gets anywhere that isn't frozen year-round. Dress like you're climbing Everest.
25 = Just below freezing, very cold but not record breaking anywhere people own snow shovels. Bulky jacket and gloves.
50 = Cold to cool, depending on your baseline. Put on a thick sweater or a jacket.
75 = Perfect, slightly above room temperature. T-shirt and shorts.
100 = About as hot as it gets anywhere that isn't a desert. Tank top and sunscreen, and stay in the shade.
Me setting my thermostat to 50 in winter: