this post was submitted on 03 Sep 2023
19 points (88.0% liked)
One Piece
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Discussion of all Grand Line stuff, fanart and theories regarding Eiichiro Oda's anime One Piece.
- Topic: Posts must be related to One Piece
- Tags: Lemmy doesn’t have tags yet, so please mark posts with [Episode/Chapter], [Fanart], [Question], [Discussion], [Theory] or others you may think are appropriate. e.g. [Theory, ep1/ch1]: this guy with the hat will be pirate king!
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founded 2 years ago
I finished the season and it's quite good.
With Netflix' track record I didn't expect much. I just hoped it would not be total crap, but now I like it and I want more seasons.
The characters are properly done with flashbacks to get their childhood and motivation behind everything. It's funny dialogue and situations, lots of action, some really sad backstory, some world and organisation explaining for the new viewers.
Also Zoro is pretty badass in the live action.
Yeah they even resisted the urge to make Nami black ._. (and instead went for her adoptive sister).
Are you sure you didn't fall for some forum rant? I just checked Google also with results limited to 2022 and 2021 but there was no hit on the front page.
If I remember correctly, they just put out a picture at the beginning with each selected actor but nothing before that.