Photographer finds Polar Bears that took over an abandoned building
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Oh my gosh...everything about this photo is appealing. I love it!
I have to say the knowledge of how enormously lethal polar bears are does put a slight damper on this image for me. These things can kill you easy, and I would not want to be this close to one. Let alone two.
You could say the same of people.
Nah, If you sit on their head they won't be able to open their jaws and bite you.
Are you sure?
Last time I sat on someone's head their jaw was certainty able to move.
But the one in the window looks like he wants visitors!
That one 100% wants to eat the photographer.
Just waiting for him to start licking his chops.
Look, we can make a deal.
Cup of sugar, cup of flesh.
The siding is definitely a'peeling