Halloween marches towards us. Prepare for a scare.
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Low budget and cheap effects, but still one of the most entertaining and enjoyable movies ever made.
If you're new to this, do yourself a favor and go watch the holy trilogy of horror comedy movies:
They are all pretty ridiculous, and don't expect any Oscar nominations for any category, but grab some popcorn, have a few drinks, and enjoy the show.
Now, gimme some sugar, baby
Don’t just watch them. Watch them in order with the knowledge that the first movie was a serious attempt at horror. But the audience thought it was ridiculous and became a bit of a joke.
Then the second movie was an attempt at both leaning into the campiness a bit but also trying to still make a good horror movie.
And finally the third movie was where Sam Raimi realized “fuck it. I guess I do silly horror now. Let’s rock and roll!” And finally was have the masterpiece that is Army of Darkness.
Watch the reboot and Rise with the knowledge that the events of Army of Darkness are entirely canon.