They said what?
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I know what the lyrics are but have not a clue what they mean. I can tell you all the words. But comprehend them? Nah. There is nothing but fluff and vibes between these ears. No processing going on whatsoever.
I seem to have difficulty interpreting thoughts and feelings to/from spoken language. Sometimes when asked a question I have to pause for a moment to parse things. Then the other person interprets that pause into some kind of unintended meaning when really I was just struggling to form words.
Oddly, I don't seem to have this problem while writing. Must be some part of the brain that does that task and mine is screwy. I'm only bringing it up because others in this thread may be able to relate.
might wanna read up on autism and ADHD because if you have SPD it's likely you'll have at least one of those as well, and learning about it can be a turning point where a lot of things start making sense.
Thank you, I shall go down this rabbit hole!