They said what?
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I mean what's surprising isn't that it's a song with a dark theme but the contrast between the radio friendly, sunny sweet beat and melody against the lyrics. Additionally it's just a song that so many people know from hearing it at the supermarket and on the radio without paying particularly attention to it that it's surprising when they find out.
I guess, I just feel personally (and this is my opinion) that with a song like this with a catchy chorus, the chorus is the first thing you notice about the song, and the theme is made clear in the chorus. You don’t really have to dig into the verses to find out what the chorus means.
Edit: I should probably make it clear that I’m not trying to say there’s anything wrong or bad about people not noticing or being shocked that PUK has dark lyrics. I guess I’m just sharing out loud thoughts I probably should be keeping to myself.
For me I really have to focus to pick out what lyrics are saying at all. If I'm not paying a lot of attention the singers are just another instrument to me making notes.