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Check out ProleWiki for a communist wikipedia.
If you researched enough, you would know that the organization responsible for that attack is the MPCP not the PCP, as mentioned in your own shared article.
The MPCP is a group that splintered from the PCP taking most of its members with itself, and the only reason it exists as such is because they saw the PCP agreeing on a ceasefire with the Peruvian state after Gonzalo's capture as an act of treason from his part. On everything but in name, they are the PCP. Nonetheless, that still doesn't take away the fact that the PCP prior to its split had consistently committed massacres against LGBT peoples through most of its history.
Also, why are you reviving a dead thread?
It is evident that your only knowledge about the group is surface level Wikipedia reading because this is just a blatant lie you took word by word from Wikipedia. The MPCP consists of ex-PAF and that is also written in there if you bothered to read it carefully.
The ceasefire was a fabrication by the Peruvian Fascist State. Guzman proved it in his call to arms while being displayed inside a cage to the media.
This shows that you do not know anything about the PCP General Political Line or even its history. This is evident by you comparing a proletarian vanguard which waged a People's War and almost brought the Peruvian State to its knees to a Government Propped up Drug Trafficking Organization. I find it baffling as to what equation you are trying to draw here by just saying the opposite in the previous part. "They splintered off because they had a major disagreement, but they are the same party now because yeah." Is this not a false analogy and strawman of Maoists? No Maoist upholds the MPCP.
There is no evidence for this. While in fact, the PCP clearly said that they never targetted LGBTQ individuals/groups just because of their identity as such.
This shows your disinterest and unseriousness in Proletarian Politics and in developing an anti-revisionist knowledge of history. You are treating this as something like a game. Yes, it has been an inactive thread for 3 weeks but you are posting misinformation that will permanently be here. Sorry, but my conscience cannot let you do that.
The fate of the proletariat's liberation rests on the outcome of a thread on a reddit copycat.
Have a nice day you too, dear random maoist.