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[-] DarkGamer@kbin.social 5 points 1 year ago

Now apply* that logic to the idf.

I guess every thread has to be about Israel.
Apply the logic of US public loss of trust in the government to Israel's armed forces?

These are two different things, Israeli support for Netanyahu's government is at an all time low:

Such sentiments are backed up by numbers: New polling data shows that Israelis’ trust in government is at a 20-year low of 18%. Only 20.5% of Jewish Israelis and 7.5% of Arab Israelis polled by the Israel Democracy Institute in the aftermath of Hamas’s attack said they had trust in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet.

But trust in the IDF remains quite high:

Leftist and centrist Israelis overwhelmingly trust the heads of the IDF, at 80% and 74% respectively.
Rightists, on the other hand, are far less likely to trust the heads of the IDF at only 41%, they are also more likely to believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could be trusted with the war at 10%. 29% trusted both the same amount.

this post was submitted on 11 Dec 2023
260 points (93.9% liked)

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