Monthly random discussion - Dec 2023
Filipino artists whose works were featured on our daily random thread covers.
Celebrated my 40th today and first time rin kumain sa labas for my birthday in a long while. Usually prefer an understated festivity and have food delivered at home, but this one I thought was worth going out. I cleanly forgot that Christmas rush nga pala araw ko, so had to put up with really bad traffic.
Belated happy birthday. You sound younger than 40. Haha. Everyday na yung Christmas rush, buti you were able to celebrate then.
The only time I feel 40 is when kneeling or making sudden movements. Tried to teach my kid how to jump from the floor to the bed in a standing position the other day and almost tweaked my back in the process, lmao. I was able to do that easily 5, 10 years ago.
Belated happy 40th to you, head mod! Here's to 40 more 😁 🥂
I'd probably be using a nitrogen displacement helmet if I'm still alive when I'm 80, lol.
Happy Birthday!
Thank you!
Happy belated birthday!
was the food good tho?
Hell yes. It should be, lol.