Suicide-prevention net beneath Golden Gate Bridge completed, say officials
Good news around the world. Mastodon account: https://mas.to/@positivenews
My doctor treats symptoms in addition to the cause, does yours?
Well, the cause isn't treated by putting suicide nets on one bridge, people just go somewhere else to jump if they want to.
By comparing the number of completed suicides at specific hotspots where interventions had been implemented—including Gap Park in Australia, Clifton Suspension Bridge in England, and Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Florida—researchers found that deaths dropped from an average of 5.8 suicides each year before interventions were introduced to an average of 2.4 deaths per year afterwards. Not only did the rate of completed suicides decrease at the hotspots being studied, but in most cases there was no increase of suicide by jumping at nearby hotspots. In some cases, the suicide rate even went down to zero.
Yep, most suicides are spur of the moment things, keeping people from doing it impulsively is often enough to delay things to the point where they seek help.