New research on asexuality shows why it’s so important for doctors and therapists to distinguish between episodes of low libido and a consistent lack of sexual attraction
Over the past two decades psychological studies have shown that asexuality should be classified not as a disorder but as a stable sexual orientation akin to homosexuality or heterosexuality. Both cultural awareness and clinical medicine have been slow to catch on. It's only recently that academic researchers have begun to look at asexuality not as an indicator of health problems but as a legitimate, underexplored way of being human.
In biology, the word “asexual” typically gets used in reference to species that reproduce without sex, such as bacteria and aphids. But in some species that do require mating to have offspring, such as sheep and rodents, scientists have observed individuals that don't appear driven to engage in the act.
They researched it, and found that it's not a "mental issue", it's normal.
Going by how OP worded their comment, I can't imagine they're too enthused about homosexuality being acknowledged as a stable sexual orientation either
I don't worry about how enthused people are by it. I was responding to the words, " would be nice to research this further...", on a post about the research being done.
Right you are, I didn't mean to gatekeep. More of a subtle dig at the IMO out of place bigotry on display on the original comment.
No sweat, hope you have a good day/evening!