Normally I'd go to r/mousereview for this kind of thing, but fuck that website.
Can anybody recommend me a mouse that isn't going to fuck out inside of a couple years? Was previously using an Ironclaw until the USB port went, replaced it with a Basilisk and the scroll on that one's started to jitter up and down now. I have fairly large hands and tend to use knuckle claw grip. Wireless is a must, builtin battery preferred, but requiring a single AA isn't a dealbreaker. I don't mind heavy, prefer a little weight tbh.
Not the normal review, but:
Either the Logitech Vertical for big hands or the Logitech Lift for smaller hands.
Another vote for the vert. The mx verticals is my favorite mouse I’ve ever moused with.
Honestly seconding this. Began getting minor RSI and the Logitech Vertical is a huge improvement