Truck breeding rule
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I own a truck and I do not feel attacked by this.
Exactly BECAUSE it's used for hauling, I need the bed space for work, the ground clearance for personal hobbies, it's a '99 that I can keep running with recycled parts, and it's reasonably sized. I could do without the extended cab, but I didn't exactly have many options when I needed a vehicle.
Would I like to have a EVan with similar cargo space, ground clearance, and ease of maintaining/working on at home for a reasonable price? Absolutely. Unfortunately it doesn't exist yet. So I do what I can with what I have, and don't feel bad because this kind of post isn't talking about me.
It's talking about my neighbor with a spotless, lifted raptor who needs it to feel like a big strong manly man when he goes to pick up the groceries and beer, and blocks the handicap van access by parking in the stripes next to the handicap spot.
Something like this?