‘Sex Talks’ Should Start Earlier Than You Think
A place to talk about parenting.
Be respectful of others' parenting decisions.
I mean... there's a looot of Republicans involved with pedophilia. https://greaterandgrander.com/a-comprehensive-list-of-republicans-arrested-or-accused-for-pedophile-charges/
The number of pedofiles in the population is so small it wouldn't make sense. It's like tailoring your policy based on urination fetish peoples desires. It's not going to get you enough votes to make it worthwhile and it's going to cost you votes from the people that aren't pedos which is almost everyone. Disclaimer: I'm not from US and don't care at all for US politics so I'm not rooting for any team.
I'm talking about Republicans in office much more often being accused and convicted of doing pedo shit.
I'm not talking about the general populace, however I will say that for enough people who vote republican, leadership being convicted of pedo shit apparently isn't enough of a deal breaker.
You're misunderstanding. They aren't interested in protecting pedophiles-in-general, or even most Republican-voter-pedophiles, just, literally, themselves, and maybe their pedophile donors, until those get caught that is.
Sadly, most of those same donors play both sides of the aisle, and Dems in office are all-too-happy to help them as well, so long as their pockets are deep enough. On that note, here's your weekly reminder that the Clintons made promoting and implimenting vouchers for private schools a key issue, and yes, these issues are thoroughly inter-twined.