You only feel this way because you're accustomed to Fahrenheit. I grew up with Celsius, and to me that feels like the perfect temperature scale. Fahrenheit feels weird and arbitrary to me.
I grew up with Fahrenheit, but switched my weather app to use Celsius for a while, and I've internalized it pretty well. It works fine. The "human experience" angle doesn't work anyway because that experience is very locale-dependent.
I’m 100% in on the metric system, but Fahrenheit is the best way to measure weather.
0F is my freezing point 100F is my boiling point
Fuck freezing/boiling of water!
Celsius is great for science (except space science) or cooking, but weather should be based on humans.
You only feel this way because you're accustomed to Fahrenheit. I grew up with Celsius, and to me that feels like the perfect temperature scale. Fahrenheit feels weird and arbitrary to me.
I grew up with Fahrenheit, but switched my weather app to use Celsius for a while, and I've internalized it pretty well. It works fine. The "human experience" angle doesn't work anyway because that experience is very locale-dependent.