Can I put an OLED panel in my Thinkpad p50?
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30 lane eDP have varying signal types you need to check the stock panel specs against the new one. The things that need to match exactly are
That panel is eDP 1.4b and the stock is 1.2 hbr1 I'd wager it won't work.
You could just play it safe and get a stock IPS panel which I do with all my thinkpads.
https://www.reddit.com/r/thinkpad/comments/x5vnfm/thinkpad_p50_screen_upgrade/ there are some further links on there as well
All of the specs seem to match up. Shape style, pin type, panel size, resolution, interface position. All of it, aside from the eDP 1.4b vs 1.2. I can't really seem to find any info on backwards compatibility for eDP.
I guess that these things are kind of intentionally opaque as they're not consumer standards.
Unfortunately, you're right that It'll almost certainly be a no-go even though there's theoretically no reason it shouldn't work. Backwards compatibility won't let you use a newer display, and the only way that people have found that out is to just buy stuff and plug it in. Guess I'll just learn from others' failures.
There is basically no info since eDP is a closed spec but since its in laptops and laptops have no real need for backwards or forwards compat I'd say a strong no.
Some odd forums hint at a compatibility between 1.3 and 1.4 but from really odd sources. https://community.frame.work/t/framework-laptop-alternative-screens/17290/14
I'd strongly suggest just getting a compatible IPS but its up to you.
Yep. Gave up and just bought a less shitty ips display.