‘It’s like there’s no cost of living crisis’: visitors splash out at Wimbledon
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I think if you're going to wimbledon it would be alright to pay what you need to pay to enjoy the experience the way you want. It bothers me that middle class is bearing the brunt of economic problems created by the ultra-rich and weak government policies. The poor are as ever in a bad situation. I don't mind there being an upper class, I do mind the large income gap, unfair distribution of profits from productivity, and lack of social mobility and low investment in social welfare programs.
The people who attend these events are people who are able to solve their problems using money. Cost of gas too high? Buy an electric car and bike. Lettuce is $5 a head? That sucks, maybe I'll order from a restaurant instead.
There is a strike in the port of Vancouver right now and it was just declared 'illegal' by some provincial or federal politician (though not federal NDP). These are the regular people who are asking for help and they are told no. I read an article in CBC just the other day about a single parent who is couch surfing because her 67k salary isn't enough to afford an apartment.
I grew up in a wealthy neighborhood and so most of my friends and social circle are wealthy. They live in another world and I don't blame them for it. All else equal with them, I don't have a million dollars in my bank account from my parents/grandparents.