Played and beat A Link to the Past for the first time!
Vintage gaming community.
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I also played it recently for the first time and my impressions are that it is too damn hard lol.
Previous Zelda games were:
Majora's Mask 3DS
Ocarina of Time 3DS
Twilight Princess
Phantom Hourglass
So maybe ALTTP is harder than all of those combined lol.
This has been my experience with it. I really struggle with games where your directional inputs are just up, down, left and right because the attacks and blocking are based on what direction you're facing. Funny thing is that I grew up with a mega drive and ps1 plus an old Compaq pc and I had a game boy colour and advance as well as a ds so I should be ok with four direction based movement games.
Yeah definitely the 4 direction movement was a big player in the difficulty scale for me.
I can see that, especially with the early game when you don’t have heart containers and you don’t have the master sword either. No shame in playing with save states if you have access to switch online or an emulator.