xkcd #2896: Crossword Constructors
A community for a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.
Crosswords have clues going across and down.
The words just use common letters so they're things puzzle creators wish were real words. They're not currently words.
aerae: Latin, genitive/dative singular of aera
eni: Urhobo for 'elephant'
oreta: Latin, taxonomic genus within the family Drepanidae.
aroe: Rōmaji transcription of アロエ
oine: Danish, indefinite plural of øie
aen: Rōmaji transcription of あえん
enta: French, third-person singular past historic of enter
aete: Rōmaji transcription of あえて
ok but that's just the Katakana transcription of aloe
Those are all unacceptable crossword clues
Taylor 2025 effort would be an acceptable crossword clue
oine is most definitely not Danish for eyes. That would be øjne, plural of øje.
What does 'enter' even mean in French?
In means nothing. The french for enter is "entrer"
That’s why they use “oboe” so often eh