The power of the Gummy in the palm of my hand
A Community for people to create posts with GIFs, MP4s or WEBPs - anything that's animated and reasonably short.
Images can be often be hosted directly on Lemmy, or on external sites such as https://imgur.com or https://catbox.moe.
somebody chemistry-cally smart needs to explain this to me
A fire commonly needs three things: heat, oxygen, and fuel. So:
You put potassium chlorate (the powder) into a container; it'll start to decompose and produce excess oxygen. You apply a blowtorch underneath to provide heat. Then you add fuel - in this case, the glucose in the gummy bear. You then get a fire, fueled by the gummy bear, that fiercely burns off the excess oxygen from the potassium chlorate.
demon gummy bear reacting to holy water
How about Daniel Craig in Logan Lucky - "Joe Bang"
gummy go BRRRRRR