xkcd comic where a bald stickman (Person1, pressumably male) is walking up to the open door leading to a medium length haired stickman's (Person2, pressumably female) apartment
(First panel)
Person1: "Hey, I was wondering if you had plans for-- Holy crap, what happened to your apartment?"
Person2: "I filled it with playpen balls!"
Person1: "I... What? Why?"
(Second panel, from the point of view of Person1)
Person2: "Because we're grown-ups now, and it's our turn to decide what that means."
In the third panel Person2 is out of frame and Person1 is seen staring at the ball-apartment, then in the fouth panel he's out of frame too, the balls are spilling out of the door and a pink heart is flying out of the room
Perma-link to comic: https://xkcd.com/150
I think this was too cute to not be posted here :3 Also did u know xkcd has a youtube channel?! :O
yes yes yes !!! dream house id hav somuch fun !!!!
i need to know how i can buy these balls
First have to decide what material and size. DDG is your friend: https://www.plasticballsupply.com/
i had no idea there would be so many options! lol
will bookmark this, thanks