xkcd #2905: Supergroup
A community for a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.
So the joke is they added up a list of bands with numbers in their names to get 176? I dunno if it's just me but that seems profoundly, purposely unfunny. But I'm also not smart enough to get most of xkcds jokes so it really is probably just me
Most xkcd's are perfectly fitting for this magazine:
I am entirely fine and on board with sensible chuckle. I would go as so far as to say that sensible chuckle has now taken the place of edgy snicker in my life.
I like the hi res ones he makes where it's like 10 pages long logarithmic maps of the universe. Cool fuckin beans.
I actually like those type best as well
I'm with you big dog. That shit whack.
Tbf, notice the "#2905". Dude's been cranking these out consistently, 3 times a week, for 18+ years.They can't all be great.