This is a script I made to assist in reproducibly building the Monero binaries on Split Linux, the distribution that splits your various identities into separate TTY's.
The logic creates a containerized vanilla Ubuntu install where it then executes the Gitian-Docker build variant.
An upcoming Split Linux version will ship the script, but I thought I'd do a little pre-release so you may build the recently released Monero v0.18.3.2.
While logged in as root to any TTY, ideally in a tmux window, run
OS=l ./ [container_name]
- OS can be any lower-case initial of "Linux", "Android", "FreeBSD", "Windows" or "MacOS". Set
to build all (required for sharing your results via the official channel).
- Github username is used for correctly naming directories in case in intend to publish your checksums later on.
- Optional container name can be freely chosen, as long it doesn't clash with an existing one (defaults to gitian-TIMESTAMP).
At the password prompts, simply provide a matching one each time.
The resulting binaries can be used as-is as long as you are on a supported platform and using glibc.
To learn how to sign and publish your results, refer to Monero's Gitian documentation. I noticed this post never showed in the default sort order. Is this because it got one downvote shortly after publishing?