Productivity of Rust teams at Google
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Eww... you're probably right. TIHI.
On a related note, I've always preferred t-shirt sizing over story points. You can still screw that up by creating a conversion chart to translate t-shirt sized into hours (or worse, man-hours) or story points, but at least it's slightly more effort to get wrong than the tantalizingly linear numeric looking story points.
If I was truly evil I'd come up with a productivity unit that used nothing but irrational constants.
"Hey Bob, how much work do you think that feature is?"
"Don't know man, I think maybe e, but there's a lot there so it might end up being π."
At the end of the day, the first thing managers do is convert story points / tshirt sizes / whatever other metaphor back into time estimates. So why bother with the layer of indirection.
I'll die on the hill that most teams do not need scrum / agile and all the ceremony that always goes with it.
A kanban board with a groomed Todo column is all you need. Simple and effective and can easily adapt to unexpected scope changes a.k.a production incidents.
*yes I'm aware that if you're getting bogged down in ceremony you're doing Agile wrong. I've never seen or worked in a place where I've felt it's been done right
IMO if it is so hard to do right that somehow no company can figure it out, then the whole system must be garbage. The best we can get to is the direct time estimates so that the "velocity" calculations we're graded on make sense. Still going to be bogged down in ceremony no matter what we do tho.
My company is just doing a kanban board with weekly meetings to discuss the progress and what tickets will be worked on next. The major problem we ran into was when management asked "So, when is the release going to be? When are you done with that project?" about one month before we actually released. I simply had no answer at that point, because that's not something these tickets with no estimates and no velocity tracking can provide.