A community for the most based memes from atheists, agnostics, antitheists, and skeptics.
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Societies that have adopted religion at a young age have consistently out-competed societies that did not adopt religion, therefore that means religion is massively beneficial to human society.
Religious assholes has never allowed an atheist society to survive. Abrahamic religions were spread by the Sword, if you recall.
[Citation needed]
[His ass]
I wouldn't call Christianity's genocidal behavior to be a net benefit to humanity.
We have no idea how many Galilieo's, Newton's, or Einstein's they have killed.
Do you have any actual examples?
This is not true religion spread because of a lack of understanding in nature what was once seen as God is now explained in science the more we understand the less religion is needed
The fact that religion is beneficial in some ways does not meant that other ways are not more beneficial. If we spend the same amount of time building community and teaching moral philosophy that we spend on religious indoctrination, I predict that we'd see larger benefits and fewer negative side effects.
...Especially because religion is nonsense.