Japanese style lean to shed update
A handmade home for woodworkers and admirers of woodworkers. Our community icon is submitted by @1985MustangCobra@lemmy.ca whose father was inspired to start woodworking by Norm and the New Yankee Workshop.
As someone who's naturally anal retentive I would say repeated DIY projects have convinced me minor deviations are usually unimportant given everyone, even the honest asshole, seems unable to spot them w/o my assistance. Even then it's 50/50 whether they think they're obvious.
Long story long.. Your shed looks great, it's simple yet has some interesting details, & I'm sure it'll stand for many years to come!
Agreed to this. Also, when showing it off, don't follow the instinct of needing to point out each flaw!
Resistance is futile
Everyone often overstates their little mistakes, but you're right, they're rarely noticed. Just think of every blemish being a lesson you'll remember for next time.
Thank you, here's hoping you're right.