"I want to live forever in AI"
Post funny things about programming here! (Or just rant about your favourite programming language.)
Sure, some probably do. And you can be sceptical and discuss why that's a dangerous and undemocratic direction. Effective Altruism is a question, not an answer. In thr community, asking for and being open to critical feedback is encouraged as the main tenet of good culture.
But if you look at the amounts, most EAs donate most to helping the poorest people alive today. Because it is so obviously good, and proven to work with high certainty.
If you are interested in learning more about Effective Altruism, check out https://www.effectivealtruism.org/articles/introduction-to-effective-altruism
Source for distribution of donations: https://80000hours.org/2021/08/effective-altruism-allocation-resources-cause-areas/