this post was submitted on 04 May 2024
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Oh I feel ya on that. The amnesia plot point was really unfortunate. In my mind's eye railgun and index are the main characters of their respective stories. Touma is written like many other men in anime, clueless and easy to overwrite.
I think it's intended to let viewers imagine themselves in place of the character but I find that proposal nauseating. Fortunately, he does eventually make new memories with these people. I just wanted him to be honest, at least he cares about them.
Edit: if you watch just railgun he's much less important to the story, would recommend.
If there was anything left in his noodle, I wonder if accelerator could bring it back? Using the misaka network.The irony is that pre-amnesia Touma was likeable. A really endearing goof.
Post-amnesia Touma is literally just an asshole. He's bullshitting his way through every word he speaks. That makes him a completely different character.
A really, really punchable one. Whatever relationships he manages to form after that point are hollow and undeserved. Built on a foundation this Touma didn't lay down, and lied about by omission.
gaah I could rant about it endlessly, I wish it had been a couple episode gimmick so bad
Yeah after that I wasn't invested in his character, he's just a gimmick appearance. Everyone else was just better.
It's not just a loss of investment for me, I can't handle how mad his behaviour makes me on behalf of all the characters I did like.
I wouldn't want the new Touma around at all! For me it's like trying to enjoy a movie while some ass keeps kicking my seat. Except it's the fucking author behind the story. It's not enough that the stuff I liked is still there 😭