Competitive games for gamers with slow reflexes
A gaming sub free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
No memes please.
You might like Total Annihilation and its modern descendants, like BAR or Zero K. There's still some micro depending on the variant, but the focus is much more heavily on macro, along with making the units smarter.
Apart from that, the Civ games are turn-based, but scratch a similar itch as RTS games
Zero K has a great interface that really minimizes the need to fiddle with individual units. "Line move" should be part of every RTS.