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A community for funny phonetic misspellings of words or phrases. Bonus points if this misspelling comprises actual words, like this community’s namesake: Bon appétit —> Bone apple tea
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Perhaps off topic, and the poster may be satirical, but how is that turning out?
Have they reduced homelessness? Have they cut any homeless in half?
Just tired of empty promises.
Haha, good one! Homelessness has more than doubled since the conservative party took power in 2010. This particular poster (albeit satirical) was from 2021, since then homelessness has increased massively in the ~~UK~~ England.
I love how they've been in power for so long over there that they're literally claiming they'll fix their own fucking creation.
Sunaks leadership campaign was litrly vote for me and I'll fix the economy WHILE he was chansoler of the exchequer
Thank you! Great info.
The data excluded those in shelters, and is England (not the UK). 4K is in the very solvable range. Pathetic that things are getting worse.