What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? May 14
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I just finished up listening to Blood of Elves, from The Witcher series. I started with the third game when it came out, but I really love the world and the characters, so the books thus far have been very entertaining. I'm not sure I'd really care for them if I wasn't already immersed because of the game though.
My sister also just loaned me Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica. It takes place in a world where people cannot eat the meat of other animals anymore, so they have legalized cannibalism. I'm only a few chapters in so far, but it's pretty unnerving. I'm honestly not sure if I'll be able to read it all the way through.
The Witcher is an interesting world. Would be interesting to see how they expand the stories in next games.
That premise about Tender is Flesh made me go from, 'interesting' to 'uhh...' pretty quickly. Do let us know if you do (or do not) finish the book, and how it goes.