EFF "cover your tracks" browser privacy test
A community for Lemmy users interested in privacy
What are your settings for noscript? This test won't complete after installing it.
You have to enable the scripts for the page and leave everything else blocked
Doesn't work.
It's a bit of manual work. Trial and error with just first party scripts, then add specific capabilities to scripts one-by-one
Best I get is with canvasblocker--without NoScript. At this point I'm not sure this screenshot is not photoshopped.
We could ask the OP for their NoScript settings.
in the noscriot settings default is set to "noscript and others" rest turned off, there is also ublock origin set to block 3rd party scripts, firefox fingerprinting settings are turned on
What are your NoScript settings for this page?
everything is on default so every sibgle page it loads allows "noscript" and "others" as indicated by the noscript settings
firefoxes regular fingerprinting protection has canvas blocking try turning that on from about:config. no scrip allows only "noscript" and "others" to loaf by defsult and ublock origin is blocking 3rd psrty javascript.
Task failed successfully
I have only "no script" and "others" enabled by default