EFF "cover your tracks" browser privacy test
A community for Lemmy users interested in privacy
Our tests indicate that you have strong protection against Web tracking.
Blocking tracking ads? Yes
Blocking invisible trackers? Yes
Protecting you from fingerprinting? ◕ your browser has a randomized fingerprint
Feels good man.
lol this site is almost pointless, real security experts know this is just for making uninformed people feel better.
creepjs will still positively fingerprint you every time. it's simply impossible to be anonymous online.
that needs javascript to work. I largely block javascript on my browser. you are no a security expert, just misinformed
blocking javascript makes you stand out WAY more. that basically narrows down the pool of possible people from a million to 3.
tell that to my results of 1 in 360
1/76 on my tor
yea tor is a different beast. As close to true anonimity as you can get
using the eff site is not accurate because it just tests your browser against all the other people that opted in to be tested, and an abnormally high percentage of people who tested explicitly turn(ed) off javascript, which is not representative of the normal web browsing public.