Lemmy World is down once again.
A community dedicated to fediverse news and discussion.
Fediverse is a portmanteau of "federation" and "universe".
Getting started on Fediverse;
Move to a new, smaller, instance. You can still use lemmy.world as though it was still running at full speed. You can still post to lemmy.world or other federated communities and you experience won’t be so painful.
Lemmy.world is experiencing an influx of Redditors and with us good Redditors come our awful trolls. Growth, along with DDoS attacks have plagued the site since I began using it.
And if the thought of setting up another account annoys you, I've made a tool that will migrate your account settings, subscriptions, and blocks: https://github.com/CMahaff/lasim
Now that does require the source instance to be up long enough to download your profile, but after that you can upload to any instance you want and be running like nothing changed in like 2 minutes.
Thanks for the beautiful tool!
Agreed, and starred.