this post was submitted on 09 Jun 2024
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Anime and Pics
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founded 1 year ago
Is this AI art? What's with the weird collar bone?
No. As far as I'm aware Yorubeni does not use any generative tools.
Are you perhaps mistaking the depiction of a taught sternocleidomastoid for a bone?
It's admittedly exaggerated in this piece, and a little confusingly shaded, but it really can be extremely prominent on some people.
I'm not talking about how prominent it is, but rather how it looks like a shirt collar in skin color, as if an AI generated the image.
No shit. And it didn't.
And I'm saying that's not a collarbone. The collarbones are fine.
Only the neck muscles are shaded a bit weird, which I also mentioned, but no line is put in a place that isn't technically anatomically correct.