Does anyone else fear the economic impact that student loans are going to have once they are resumed? I am really not looking forward to another recession.
Hot Take: I'm looking forward to it for one reason only: Maybe social networks will be fun and bearable again without the constant bombardment of political "ideas." Maybe all those people who haven't been working will go back to work and stop ruining the internet.
If you think folks only had one bill (school loans) so had no reason to work until it comes back, you're kind of out of touch. Unemployment is fairly low and it's not because people aren't looking for work.
Does anyone else fear the economic impact that student loans are going to have once they are resumed? I am really not looking forward to another recession.
Hot Take: I'm looking forward to it for one reason only: Maybe social networks will be fun and bearable again without the constant bombardment of political "ideas." Maybe all those people who haven't been working will go back to work and stop ruining the internet.
If you think folks only had one bill (school loans) so had no reason to work until it comes back, you're kind of out of touch. Unemployment is fairly low and it's not because people aren't looking for work.