"Getting paid more money is for fools"
Rules •1. No Doxxing •2. No TikTok reposts •3. No Harassing •4. Post Gore at your own discretion, Depends if its funny or just gore to be an edgelord.
He's talking about thresholds, not the actual salary. The fact that they said 44k to 45k and not 44.9k to 45k or 44.5k to 45k is just a coincidence.
For example. Say there's a threshold at 100k and the guy was currently at 90k salary. 10k would put him at 100k and that's no good. He would've accepted a 9k raise, however. He had an issue with going from 99k to 100k, not the whole raise. Or in op's case, 44 to 45k.
Or at least that's how I understood it.
Ok, believe whatever you want /shrug
Commenter says this person believes... And proceeds to change the numbers in the post. I feel should have been consistent with the 10k as example.