Kool-Aid - July 1954
For sharing images of vintage magazine ads, fliers, promos, etc.
We're going to play it pretty loose with timeframe here so please don't get offended anyone :)
Offhand I think "grape" is my least-favorite artificial flavor of all time, but lookie there-- that's a rather pleasant photo!
Maybe because it sort of balances secondary colors of purple, green, and off-oranges.
Can you imagine how much photoshopping work it took to get that hue? And photoshop was probably only available in black and white at the time.
Photoshop was literally a photography shop back then, with some scissors, paint brushes, paste, and another camera.
How are you this dumb? Do you seriously think Photoshop existed in the 50s?
Was Photoshop only available on the abacus back then, I forget