Once again I try to get a handle of my various dotfiles and configs. This time I take another stab at gnu stow
as it is often recommended. I do not understand it.
Here's how I understand it: I'm supposed to manually move all my files into a new directory where the original are. So for ~
I make like this:
- dotfiles
- bash
- xdg
- dot-config
- tealdeer
- dot-config
- tealdeer
then cd ~/dotfiles && stow --dotfiles .
Then (if I very carefully created each directory tree) it will symlink those files back to where they came from like this:
- .config
- tealdeer
I don't really understand what this application is doing because setting up the dotfiles
directory is a lot more work than making symlinks afterwards. Every instructions tells me to make up this directory structure by hand but that seems to tedious with so many configs; isn't there some kind of automation to it?
Once the symlinks are created then what?
Tutorials don't really mention it but the actual manual gives me the impression this is a packager manager in some way and that's confusing. Lots of stuff about compiling
I see about how to combine it with
. Triedgit
-oriented dotfile systems before and they just aren't practical for me. And again I don't see whatstow
would be doing all the work there. -
Is there anything here about sharing configs between non-identical devices? Not everything can be copy/pasted exactly. Are you supposed to be making
branches or something?
The manual is not gentle enough to learn from scratch. OTOH there are very very short tutorials which offer little information.
I feel that I'm really missing the magic that's obvious to everyone else.
personally i always found stow to be annoying to use and switched to a bare git-repo approach. you can read up on it over here: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/dotfiles. Like this your dotfiles just rest where they should and it's rather minimal overhead.