As an American I can tell you that it's better to just beat that dead dog. Well, horse really. Elephant. It's definitely an elephant. Now get out your flail and go to town at that bitch. And continue the beatings until the problem is resolved.
Serious question:
If the american health care system (which may be the most prominent thing stopping migration currently) would become a socialized-financed commodity how much %GDP would America loose?
As an American I can tell you that it's better to just beat that dead dog. Well, horse really. Elephant. It's definitely an elephant. Now get out your flail and go to town at that bitch. And continue the beatings until the problem is resolved.
Serious question: If the american health care system (which may be the most prominent thing stopping migration currently) would become a socialized-financed commodity how much %GDP would America loose?
America spends the most on healthcare already, it's ludicrous