My 5 year old notebook is starting to show it's age, so I want to finally build a "real" PC. I rarely play games, so this is probably overkill - But I don't want my PC to be what's stopping me. I also expect it to last a while.
I chose all AMD because I'm running linux, and AMD seems to still be the best choice for that.
I found a couple similar posts on which I based this list, so most of the parts are probably fine. I'm unsure about the cooler: How much headroom should I leave? This one is rated just 10W higher than the CPU TDP, so it might be cutting it too close.
PCPartPicker Part List
Good luck! Building your first PC is a great milestone.
I also recommend seeing if you can find a build video using your exact case, so you can see if there's any parts you should do in a particular order. Knowing what to expect when I built my SFF PC was a big help.