[Prime] LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
This is a place to post limited-time giveaways of full video games that are then yours to keep forever at no cost.
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Keep it civil and keep it chill!
Don't make me tap the sign!
Sure, but ultimately it's something a lot of people have access to anyway, and with a small amount of hoop-jumping you can get quite a lot of games for free.
I've not tried, but I guess they might try and tempt you back with the offer of more free subscription months. I was thinking more just create a new account and grab the 30-odd games that are currently available, then come back in a year when you've played them all and repeat with a new email.
You indeed need prime for this.
Which is the best deal you can get for free fast delivery, unlimited photo storage, several free monthly pc games, free access to amazons cloud gaming platform luna to play anywhere on anything and prime video. And some other shit i don't remember.
Its not a loophole. Its a very clear transaction. You give them money and some data, you get this pile of stuff which costs more (money and data) if you get it somewhere else.
And yes, its a lock in into the Amazon ecosystem. We all know that's the reason amazon does this. Which isn't t worse or better then the Google, Apple or MS ecosystem which you're already on since you're posting here. It is much cheaper though.