Linux reaches 5.25% in Germany
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Crazy to think that one of twenty people I meet outside use Linux
I doubt one in twenty people I meet outside even use a computer regularly.
You guys have met 20 people?!
Yeach i have a high suspicion a lot of those gains is not ( or not only ) beacuse linux is gaining popularity but beacuse desktop pcs are loosing one. Especialy if the methodology is based on web stats ( i myself quite often use smartphone to browse even if i actually use pc right now to do whatewer im doing right now ).
This is measuring desktop market share only. You can click to see all platforms where you can see Windows seems to be losing most of its market share to Android in the last few months.
But that's my point. Pepole abandoning pc all together are likely for lack of the better word normies that are very very unlikely to use linux. Wheras pepole who are sticking with PC for whatewer reasons are more likely to be in a group that uses linux. Its just a hypotesis tho , nothing more than a mere speculation.
No, the ones who use Linux don't go outside.
Your assumption is that 100% people you meet outside use a Desktop PC at all.
A laptop also counts.
Actually depending on the definition, everyone that uses the www uses Linux, but that doesn't help.
I know 4 irl. all are my converts
Religion of Holy Linux
I prefer "cult" 🥰
I don't write in rust
but do you write while wearing programming socks