Internet as an art
Rule 1: All post titles except for meta posts should be just plain "hmmm" and nothing else, no emotes, no capitalisation, no extending it to "hmmmm" etc.
I will introduce more rules later and when I finish doing that I will make an announcement post about that.
For overall temporary guide check out the rules here: https://www.reddit.com/r/hmmm/wiki/rules/
I won't be moving all of them here but I will keep most of them.
At a previous employer, I worked with a client who used our platform and had 3rd party API integrations with companies called Skynet (a large logistics company) and InterWeb (a 90s era almost-PaaS that somehow survived the dotcom crash, pivoted into whatever they could find to charge people for, and went bankrupt a while ago).
Somewhere I have screenshots of emails I sent to the Ops team, asking them to "enable Skynet in production" and "turn off the InterWeb"
No SkyNet here. Just CableNet.