UPDATE: The slab is flat... ish
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Clean out the voids, brush epoxy on with the cookie in a melamine or tuck taped form to catch leaks, repeat as needed, flip and remove material as needed.
Alternatively you could clean out the voids and go ham with glue and sawdust in a contrasting wood to avoid the dying epoxy fad.
Thanks, I will look into using tuck tape to seal the bottom of the slab. I've never been one to follow fads, and I prefer the simple look of black epoxy over some mismatched sawdust filler.
The tuck tape is to aid with releasing the slab from whatever you put it on. You might be able to seal the backside with tape, but I don't know if tuck tape will offer any advantages over duct tape given the tenacity of resin to escape containment and the fairly poor adhesion tuck tape has.
You could try 100% silicone on the edge of the cookie, that would be easy to clean up after. Just make sure you do it on/in something to contain the resin if the seal fails.
Got it, thank you for the clarification. I've got some green frog tape that should do the job. I planned on putting down a plastic painters tarp to catch any spill out.