Mine are Half Life and Morrowind.
I feel like back when I didn't have a massive game library I would have spent so much time replaying Half Life and exploring every inch of the maps and trying to find exploits to break the game. The massive modding community likely would have kept me playing for years.
Morrowind probably would have gotten me a lot more into RPGs and fantasy games. I do love RPGs but still struggle to immerse myself in fantasy settings. I assume this is because I mostly played SciFi games growing up.
What about you? Is there an MMO or something you maybe tried and gave up on to soon?
Thanks for your replies! I've started playing SH2 remake just today and I'm thoroughly enjoying it thus far. Bloober Team really surprised me with this one.
~~The following are incoherent rambles pls don't bother to read/don't be mad~~
I'm finding this hard to articulate without rambling but despite enjoying it, I'm not feeling truly immersed in the moment-to-moment gameplay as much as I'd like to be. The reason being this is my first exposure to SH2 and I personally feel like I'm trying to retroactively "catch-up" on almost 20 years of missed themes and nostalgia, therefore I'm trying to absorb & consider every element of the story a li'l too much.
Phenomonal sound design btw.
~~I want to smash every window in the town~~
Yeah, that's a tough one.
I'd say "well, don't," but that's pretty obviously useless. :p
I think I can say this much, though: Silent Hill, being so metaphorical, it's kind of built like a big puzzle? It's okay to "not get it" while you're playing. Most of the stuff I know I'm pretty sure I picked up from fan wikis later on.
So, easier said than done, but: try not to think so much, haha.
The remake is also a little better about explaining its own plot, I think just by being a little more obvious. So, by the end, some things might click into place a little more.
And yeah, the sound design, (minor early game spoiler) have you noticed that >!the radio!< >!is a positional sound?!<
You live up to your name, thank you King! I'm going to try to put that critical part of my brain away, just enjoy the ride and worry about having a deeper delve & thinking about the themes after my first run-through.
I've recently upgraded TV and sound systems and that li'l detail about the radio is genuinely so helpful.
Oh hell yeah. The perfect system for Yamaoka's industrial scrape music.
Let me know how it goes. I've been real excited to see people experience this for the first time, haha.