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So you're assuming the bike was in a car lane instead of a car trying to drive in the designated bike lane?
Considering the car was going 70 in a thirty it doesn't sound like he obeyed the rules of the road.
You're picking and choosing assumptions that suit your preference.
Nor did the cyclist. Two wrongs don't make you right.
Again there is no reason to assume the cyclist isn't in the bike lane or is breaking any kind of law. You just decided entirely on your own that they must be in the road.
I saw a car driving on the bike path just yesterday. Not even a bike lane, I completely separate path on the side of the road separated by a big ditch. They drove on the bike path to avoid traffic lights.
If we’re going by anecdotes, I saw a cyclist ignore a red last week and in the past month several ignore stop signs.
We aren't going by anecdotes. We are going by what's most reasonable to assume.
Reasonable to assume a cyclist that aren’t required to hold a license to be out on the road won’t obey road rules.
That's not reasonable to assume. Let me prove it?
Are you Food Safety Certified from a credited organization? No?
Then obviously your cooking must be poisonous.
I however am food safety certified. I cannot cook at all. Suck at cooking. I do know proper temps, and how to store food. I still cannot cook.
Having a license only PROVES you know the rules. Having one doesn't mean your GOOD at thing or even that you will FOLLOW the rules. It just proves you KNOW the rules.
Likewise not having a license doesn't mean you DONT know the rules or WONT follow the rules. It only means you haven't proven to a licensing body that you do.
I don't have a medical license, but I know you shouldn't take opioids every day of your life or you'll get addicted to them. Clearly many doctors did not know that or did not care.
Edit: hell one more fun one.
When I was in school we had a state issued standardized test called the TAAS test. I got a perfect score every single year. Got every single question in the entire test, every category, correct. 100 percent.
However I was failing most of my classes. Did I know the material or did I not? One certificate said I exceptional and perfect, the other certificate says I was far below my peers.
Which one was right?
Jfc. Learn to stop at a stop sign.
well, how many people with an express driver's license stop at a stop sign? but there was in interesting study that recently came out, highlighting that people driving cars have an irrational hatred of cyclists, almost always rating their actions and driving worse than a car doing the same thing or worse.
you literally do be here like "I saw a cyclist drive past a red light once, that's equivalent to borderline road rage manslaughter"
You should take your own advice about irrational hatred.
Still not an excuse for you to run a red light.
That's pretty rich considering you're assuming OP (on a bike) specifically mentioned two designated bike lanes, decided to ride in the road instead, then told all of us so we would know he's a jerk.
If they were riding in the road they wouldn't have mentioned the bike lanes at all so they looked like the "good guy"
"So I was stomping on some kittens right, then this guy cut in line at Walmart right in front of me! What a jerk"
Why would someone include the part of the story that made them the bad guy?
You are the one assuming whatever fits you're narrative the best. You must drive a BMW and are here to troll bike riders.
And where did they say the car drive in the bike lane? They didn’t. This is your narrative.
Op said they were on a bike. Op said there were two designated bike lanes. Ok said car nearly hit them.
One of two things must be true.
Car entered the bike lane. A thing that happens often.
Op was riding in the traffic lane instead of the two designated bike lanes, then posted about it, and specifically mentioned the two bike lanes they were not using for no reason other than to make themself look bad. A thing that doesn't happen often.
You see how short one explanation is compared to the other? Yeah the short explanation is probably what happened. It's the most likely explanation.
It does happen often. Many Cyclists often do not obey road rules. ‘Rules are for thee and not for me.’ And it’s hilarious you think anyone that entitled has any self observation enough to think they would look bad while doing so. Riding a bike should absolutely require a license to be out on the road.
And BMW drivers are well known for their courtesy on the road? Oh right even car drivers know people who drive bmws think they are special and do whatever they want.
Go home troll.
I’ve seen bmws get plowed by distracted drivers. But that’s the thing: Cars aren’t empty machines. They are operated by humans. As are cyclists, cyclists who should also practice the rules of the road.
As a fellow cyclist myself , I am disappointed by your intellect on this one.
You're trolling.
Basically you're saying "sometimes cyclist don't follow traffic rules"
As you're justification why OP must've been in the road instead of the bike lanes they specifically mentioned. It's nonsense.
You have no argument, you just don't like people riding bikes because you once saw a guy not following rules on a bike. Give me a break. Why are you here if you only want to defend cars even when the evidence clearly shows the car was at fault? Why are you here if you want to exclusively blame cyclist for every bad thing that a driver does?
You're trolling. Go home.
Go learn how to stop at a stop sign
I don't own a bike. I walk and drive.
Stop at stop signs
You are such a foolish child.
You once saw a person run a stop sign in a bike, right? They put their own life in danger .
A car runs a stop and they put other people's lives in danger.
It's not equal at all. The car is worse, it's a lot worse.
Stop looking for excuses to blow through stop signs. Rules of the road are for you too.
I've never gotten a single ticket in 20 years of driving. Maybe try telling that to a mirror instead.
Typical BMW driver, you refill your blinker fluid yet?
I see more cars refuse to stop at stop sighns than bikes, so Go learn to stop at stop sighn?
Stop looking for excuses to run a stop sign.
There are no good enough excuses for you to ignore traffic safety.
look, you speak of ignoring traffic safety, but what about those 3 kids you mowed down last week?
Stop looking for a strawperson argument so you can ignore the rules of the road.
That's you making a wild leap to blame the bike.
I'm using what's called occums razor. Op mentioned the bike lanes. Op didn't say anything about being in the main road.
It's more reasonable to assume they were using the bike lanes they mentioned. It's unreasonable to assume they were in the road and only mentioned the bike lanes to us in order to make themselves look bad. That doesn't make sense.