The Windows File Explorer is now dependent on Microsoft Recall being installed on Windows 11 24H2 editions and likely later.
This means that if you wish to use newer versions of the Window file explorer, you have to install recall on your system. Recall is a deeply-rooted, non-negotiable feature on all modern versions of Windows.
If you wish to strip out recall from your system, you are no longer able to use the built-in graphical file explorer and must use a third-party tool, and if you're not allowed to do that on the machine, then you are forced to have recall running on the system as it doesn't appear on any graphical settings pages.
The other solution is to prepare for transitioning into a free operating system such as GNU/Linux with distributions such as Linux Mint which is designed specifically for that transition. You can also run an older version of Windows and refuse to update.
Turns out that this issue has been exaggerated and that there are ways to disable co-pilot on Windows machines (or at the very least, command Windows to do so). Also it's debatable whether this program does any harm on non "copilot" computers but you can be the judge of that.
Another day another YouTuber spreading false info. This behaviour happens if you disable recall before OOBE can run which is where you’re asked to enable Recall e.g if you customise the install ISO.
You can remove Recall just fine by running
Dism /online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:"Recall"
or by unticking it in the “optional features” dialog after OOBE runs, and you’ll still have the new Explorer UI.the linux propaganda on c/technology strikes again![emoji terminally-online terminally-online](
Never stop
, Never lose faith ![emoji only-throw only-throw](
Maintaining the GNU agenda is our topmost priority![emoji who-must-go who-must-go](
you will never get me to install mint i will die on windows 10 until it reaches EoL and I cry & re-enable TPM and go to 11 where I will die on it until it reaches EoL and I cry![emoji maddened maddened](
The cycle of violence![emoji kitty-birthday-sad kitty-birthday-sad](
I think my comment is close in spirit to that rule. If a mod disagrees then they're free to remove it.
I just dislike false info, no malice in my comment.
I think they're saying the OP is Linux-favoring misinformation rather than anything about your correction.
the terminally online emote was meant to be me!!! Speaker had it right.
Good correction, I'm not a Windows user anymore and I defer to this YouTuber since he seems the most knowledgeable. No one is infallible and I don't want to maliciously spread bad info
But yes, I see, good thing to know that in order to disable recall I need to use an arcane cli command or use a Windows feature most people don't know about.