Bread Knive
A place to share practical, durable and quality made products that are made to last, with an emphasis on upcycled and sustainable products!
Things that are well-made and durable (even if they won't last a lifetime) are A-Okay!
Unlike that other BIFL place, Home-made and DIY items are encouraged here, as long as some form of instruction is included in the body of the post.
Videos links are not allowed as post titles, but you may use them in a text post.
A limited amount of self-promotion is accepted, IF the item you are selling aligns with this criteria:
Incroyable ! Je ne m'attendais certainement pas à ce qu'un anglais soit installé là-bas, parce que si je me souviens bien, économiquement c'est une des pires régions du pays. Mais la nature y est magnifique.
Je sortirai demain pour acheter un couteau à pain et je l'utiliserai pour vous poignarder si vous appelez encore cet Écossais un Anglais 😂
Mais merci pour la recommandation, toi le Belge
Hahaha sorry about that, the .uk domain threw me off. For what it's worth I like the Scottish accent more than the British one 😅